Kelowna皇家骑警在学校第一周开出的62张超速/失速驾驶罚单。 62 speeding/distracted driving tickets issued in school zones by Kelowna RCMP during first week of school.
在上学的第一周,Kelowna皇家骑警发放62张校区交通违规罚单,主要是超速(56张罚单)和分心驾驶(6张罚单)。 During the first week of school, Kelowna RCMP issued 62 tickets for traffic violations in school zones, primarily for speeding (56 tickets) and distracted driving (6 tickets). 他们还向司机发出150次警告。 They also provided 150 warnings to drivers. 军士。 Sgt. 科尔比·阿特赛强调遵守速度限制和谨慎行事的重要性。 Colby Attlesey emphasized the importance of adhering to speed limits and being cautious. 在整个学年将继续进行巡逻,学校区工作时间为星期一至星期五上午7时30分至下午5时。 Patrols will continue throughout the school year, with school zone hours from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.