巴基斯坦-美国市长Pro Tem Ali Sajjad Taj宣布参选加州州议会第67区。 Pakistani-American Mayor Pro Tem Ali Sajjad Taj announces candidacy for California State Assembly District 67.
巴基斯坦裔美国人Ali Sajjad Taj,现任阿耳特西亚市长Pro Tem已宣布参选加州州议会第67区。 Ali Sajjad Taj, a Pakistani-American and current Mayor Pro Tem of Artesia, has announced his candidacy for California State Assembly District 67. 他的目标是成为第一位担任这一角色的巴基斯坦裔美国人。 He aims to become the first Pakistani-American in this role. Taj 的竞选活动侧重于教育、公共安全、经济适用房、经济增长以及影响老年人和退伍军人的问题。 Taj's campaign focuses on education, public safety, affordable housing, economic growth, and issues affecting seniors and veterans. 他获得了该地区主要政治人物和领导人的支持,表明在一个倾向于民主党的选区进行了强大的选举努力。 He has garnered support from key political figures and leaders in the area, indicating a strong electoral effort in a Democrat-leaning district.