在威斯康辛州发现了3岁的Elijah Vue的遗体;母亲的男朋友被控忽视。 3-year-old Elijah Vue's remains found in Wisconsin; mother's boyfriend charged with neglect.
2月以来失踪的三岁的Elijah Vue的骨骼遗骸于9月7日在威斯康星州两河附近一个木质地区被发现。 The skeletal remains of three-year-old Elijah Vue, missing since February, were found on September 7 in a wooded area near Two Rivers, Wisconsin. 他的失踪引发了广泛的搜寻努力,包括确认遗体的DNA。 His disappearance prompted extensive search efforts, including DNA confirmation of the remains. 最后一次见到Elijah和他母亲的男朋友Jesse Vang在一起,后者报告他失踪了。 Elijah was last seen with his mother's boyfriend, Jesse Vang, who reported him missing. Vang和Elijah的母亲Katrina Baur都被指控忽视儿童, Both Vang and Elijah's mother, Katrina Baur, are charged with child neglect but plead not guilty. 琥珀警报被取消了 The Amber Alert has been canceled.