休斯顿夏普斯敦国际学校因无事实根据的安全威胁被关禁闭,无人受伤。 Houston's Sharpstown International School on lockdown due to unsubstantiated security threat, with no injuries.
得克萨斯州休斯顿夏普斯敦国际学校由于据报可能涉及武器的安全威胁而被关禁闭。 Sharpstown International School in Houston, Texas, was placed on lockdown due to a reported security threat involving a possible weapon. 当警察驻军增加,家长聚集在外面时,休斯顿独立学校区证实没有人受伤,威胁没有得到证实。 While police presence was heightened and parents gathered outside, the Houston Independent School District confirmed that there were no injuries and the threat was unsubstantiated. HISD警察和休斯顿警察局都在调查 Both HISD police and the Houston Police Department are investigating. 校方保持安全状态, 并协调对学生进行有控制的解雇. The school maintained a security hold and coordinated a controlled dismissal for students.