关于印地语Divas,外国代表团分享了印地语的问候和经验,强调了区域语言的文化重要性。 On Hindi Diwas, foreign missions shared Hindi greetings and experiences, emphasizing the cultural importance of regional languages.
在 9 月 14 日庆祝印地语 Diwas 的那天,包括澳大利亚高级专员公署和法国大使馆在内的外国驻印度使团分享了问候和学习印地语的经验。 On Hindi Diwas, celebrated on September 14, foreign missions in India, including the Australian High Commission and the French Embassy, shared greetings and experiences in learning Hindi. 他们强调区域语言对于改善文化联系的重要性。 They emphasized the importance of regional languages for better cultural connection. 影片展示了讲印地语的外交官,并讨论了印度在了解印度多样性方面的价值,突出了语言在外交和文化欣赏方面的作用。 Videos showcased diplomats speaking Hindi and discussing its value in understanding India’s diversity, highlighting the role of language in diplomacy and cultural appreciation.