乡村音乐家Jelly Roll在9月13日的拉法耶特音乐会上向新婚夫妇赠送了10万美元. Country artist Jelly Roll gifts $10k to a newlywed couple at his Lafayette concert on September 13.
9 月 13 日,在路易斯安那州拉斐特的音乐会上,乡村艺术家 Jelly Roll 在看到他们的“Just Married”标志后,送给他们 10,000 美元的蜜月礼物,这让一对新婚夫妇大吃一惊。 At his concert in Lafayette, Louisiana, on September 13, country artist Jelly Roll surprised a newlywed couple by gifting them $10,000 for their honeymoon after spotting their "Just Married" sign. Jelly Roll以他的慈善努力而闻名,他支持各种原因,包括戒毒和心理健康。 Known for his philanthropic efforts, Jelly Roll has supported various causes, including addiction recovery and mental health. 这一慷慨行为增加了他帮助有需要的人的声誉,使这对夫妇的婚礼庆祝活动更加令人难忘。 This generous act adds to his reputation for helping those in need and made the couple's wedding celebration even more memorable.