科罗拉多州法官将因Elijah McClain死亡而被判的救护人员徒刑从5年减为4年缓刑。 Colorado judge reduces paramedic's sentence for Elijah McClain's death from 5 years to 4 years probation.
科罗拉多州的一名法官已将护理人员彼得·西丘尼克 (Peter Cichuniec) 因在 Elijah McClain 之死中的作用而判处五年监禁减为四年缓刑。 A Colorado judge has reduced paramedic Peter Cichuniec's sentence for his role in Elijah McClain's death from five years in prison to four years of probation. Cichuniec 因向 McClain 服用镇静剂氯胺酮而被判犯有刑事过失杀人罪,法官 Mark Warner 以“不寻常和情有可原的情况”为由进行了判刑。 Cichuniec, convicted of criminally negligent homicide for administering ketamine, a sedative, to McClain, was sentenced by Judge Mark Warner, who cited "unusual and extenuating circumstances." McClain在2019年的死成为社会公正运动中的一个重大问题。 McClain's death in 2019 became a significant issue in the social justice movement.