CBI逮捕了位于孟买的Vishnu Rathi, 罪名是与联邦调查局针对网络犯罪网络的Chakra-3行动合作, CBI arrests Mumbai-based Vishnu Rathi for $4.5 lakh scam in collaboration with FBI's Operation Chakra-3 targeting cybercrime network.
中央调查局 (CBI) 逮捕了总部位于孟买的 Vishnu Rathi,他冒充技术支持骗取了一名美国公民 45 万美元。 The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Mumbai-based Vishnu Rathi for scamming a US citizen out of $4.5 lakh by posing as technical support. 这次逮捕是查克拉3号行动的一部分,与联邦调查局合作,自2022年以来针对一个网络犯罪网络。 This arrest is part of Operation Chakra-3, in collaboration with the FBI, targeting a cybercrime network since 2022. CBI缴获了57个金条、16万卢比现金和密码管理设备。 The CBI seized 57 gold bars, Rs 16 lakh in cash, and equipment for managing cryptocurrencies. 据称,该网络通过虚拟资产和金刚石清洗犯罪收益。 The network allegedly laundered crime proceeds through virtual assets and bullion.