阿拉巴马州以安全和庄严问题为由拒绝拍摄对艾伦·米勒 (Alan Miller) 的处决请求。 Alabama denies request to film execution of Alan Miller, citing security and solemnity concerns.
阿拉巴马州正在对辩护律师提出的要求提出异议,该请求要求使用氮气拍摄定于 9 月 26 日对艾伦·米勒 (Alan Miller) 的处决。 Alabama is contesting a request from defense attorneys to film the execution of Alan Miller, scheduled for September 26, using nitrogen gas. 另一名死囚Carey Dale Grayson的律师认为,拍摄有助于在宪法关注下评估该方法的人性。 The attorneys for another death row inmate, Carey Dale Grayson, argue that filming would help assess the method's humanity amid constitutional concerns. 然而,阿拉巴马州检察长办公室和惩戒部以安全风险和保持活动庄严性的必要性作为拒绝请求的理由。 However, the Alabama attorney general's office and the Department of Corrections cite security risks and the need to maintain the solemnity of the event as reasons to deny the request.