24 岁的 Kabir Singh 自 8 月 1 日在恩菲尔德失踪,电话和银行活动异常,警方寻求公众帮助。 24-year-old Kabir Singh missing since August 1 in Enfield, unusual activity in phone and bank, police seek public help.
Enfield当局正在寻求帮助寻找24岁的Kabir Singh,最后一次见到他是在8月1日进入特伦特乡村公园。 Authorities in Enfield are seeking help to find 24-year-old Kabir Singh, last seen entering Trent Country Park on August 1. 他的失踪被认为是不寻常的,他的电话和银行账户上的活动很少。 His disappearance is considered unusual, with little activity on his phone and bank accounts. 警方已公布他身穿灰色T恤、棕色靴子和大型黑色背包的闭路电视照片。 Police have released a CCTV image of him wearing a grey t-shirt, brown boots, and a large black rucksack. 任何有任何信息或目击者可以通过CAD 5719/14AUG24联系他们. They urge anyone with information or sightings to contact them, referencing CAD 5719/14AUG24.