美国17个州预测9月12日北极光的出现,最佳观测时间为晚上9点至凌晨2点,最高时间为晚上11点, 17 U.S. states forecasted potential Northern Lights display on Sept 12th, optimal viewing between 9 PM-2 AM, peaking at 11 PM, NOAA advises.
根据NOAA的预测, 美国17个州将在9月12日星期四晚上出现北极光, A potential Northern Lights display is forecasted for Thursday night, September 12th, across 17 U.S. states, including Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois, according to the NOAA. 最佳浏览时间为下午9点到凌晨2点, 高峰时间为晚上11点左右。 Optimal viewing occurs between 9:00 PM and 2:00 AM, peaking around 11:00 PM. 为了提高可见度, 观众应该寻找远离城市灯光的黑暗区域, 并使用相机检测暗黑的色彩. To enhance visibility, viewers should seek dark areas away from city lights and use a camera to detect hues indicative of the aurora. 实时更新时,请访问NOAA网站。 For real-time updates, visit NOAA's website.