托德·麦克谢 (Todd McShay) 在 6 月 ESPN 裁员后加入 The Ringer 担任足球播客。 Todd McShay in advanced talks to join The Ringer as a football podcaster post-June ESPN layoffs.
据报道,ESPN前评论员托德·麦克谢正在认真讨论加入"The Ringer"作为足球播客,因为ESPN在2023年6月裁员. Former ESPN commentator Todd McShay is reportedly in serious discussions to join The Ringer as a football podcaster, following layoffs at ESPN in June 2023. 以 NFL 选秀分析和大学橄榄球报道而闻名的 McShay 尚未敲定交易。 McShay, known for his NFL draft analysis and college football reporting, has not finalized a deal yet. 由比尔·西蒙斯 (Bill Simmons) 创立的 The Ringer 正在应对变化,因为西蒙斯的合同将于 2025 年到期。 The Ringer, founded by Bill Simmons, is navigating changes as Simmons' contract is set to expire in 2025.