尼日利亚海运工人联盟要求加快延长码头经营人的特许权,以改善港口业务。 Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria demands faster renewal of terminal operators' concessions for improved port operations.
尼日利亚海事工人联盟(MWUN)对延长终端经营人的特许协定的拖延表示失望,这影响到港口业务。 The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) expressed disappointment over delays in renewing terminal operators' concession agreements, impacting port operations. Adewale Adeyanju总统敦促联邦政府加快签署这些许可证。 President Adewale Adeyanju urged the federal government to expedite the signing of these licenses. 海洋和蓝经济部长Gboyega Oyetola承认目前正在努力使海港现代化和提高效率,强调码头工人在尼日利亚海运业的重要性。 The Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Gboyega Oyetola, acknowledged ongoing efforts to modernize seaports and enhance efficiency, highlighting the importance of dockworkers in Nigeria's maritime industry.