Dwayne Johnson在「莫阿纳2」的访谈中提倡将寻求援助作为男子气概的力量。 Dwayne Johnson promotes aid-seeking as a strength in masculinity in "Moana 2" interview.
Dwayne Johnson,又名The Rock, 声称请求帮助是“超级力量”和男性气质的一个重要方面, Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, asserts that asking for help is a "superpower" and a vital aspect of masculinity, not a sign of weakness. 在接受采访时,谈到他在迪士尼即将上映的电影《海洋奇缘 2》中的角色时,他强调,即使是坚强的人也需要支持。 In an interview about his role in Disney's upcoming film "Moana 2," he emphasized that even strong individuals need support. 这部影片旨在通过展示脆弱性和寻求援助的重要性,最终促进增长和复原力,挑战传统的男性观念。 The film aims to challenge traditional notions of masculinity by showcasing vulnerability and the importance of seeking assistance, ultimately promoting growth and resilience.