2021年科罗拉多超市枪击案的嫌疑人阿丽莎在袭击期间作证说"这很有趣",并因精神错乱而认罪. 2021 Colorado supermarket shooting suspect, Alissa, testified to have said "This is fun" during the attack, pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.
在 2021 年科罗拉多州超市枪击案中被指控犯有 10 项一级谋杀罪的 Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa 受审期间,幸存者 Sarah Chen 作证说,她在袭击期间至少听到他说了三次“这很有趣”。 During the trial of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder for the 2021 Colorado supermarket shooting, survivor Sarah Chen testified that she heard him say "This is fun" at least three times during the attack. 陈是药剂师 和同事一起躲藏着 Alissa开火 Chen, a pharmacist, hid with coworkers as Alissa opened fire. 他以精神失常为由,以抗治疗性精神分裂症为由,表示不服罪。 He has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, citing treatment-resistant schizophrenia. 预计审判将于9月底结束。 The trial is expected to conclude by the end of September.