嘉年华公司在巴塞罗那港码头安装太阳能电池板,满足100%的能源需求和减少消耗。 Carnival Corporation installs solar panels at Port of Barcelona terminals, covering 100% energy needs and reducing consumption.
嘉年华公司正在巴塞罗那港的两个游轮码头安装太阳能电池板,这是该港口的第一个。 Carnival Corporation is installing solar panels at its two cruise terminals in the Port of Barcelona, marking a first for the port. 1 350个电池板每年将产生866 000千瓦小时以上,覆盖终端能源需求的100%以上,并减少电力消耗。 The 1,350 panels will generate over 866,000 kilowatt-hours annually, covering more than 100% of the terminals' energy needs and reducing electricity consumption. 剩余能源将输入当地电网。 Surplus energy will be fed into the local grid. 该倡议与嘉年华在其各项业务中对可再生能源的更广泛承诺相一致。 This initiative aligns with Carnival's broader commitment to renewable energy across its operations.