25 Annapurna互动工作人员因独立附带利益谈判失败辞职。 25 Annapurna Interactive staff resign due to failed negotiations for independent spin-off.
Annapurna Interactive 是 Annapurna Pictures 的视频游戏发行部门,由于分拆为独立实体的谈判失败,包括总裁 Nathan Gary 在内的 25 名员工已经流失。 Annapurna Interactive, the video game publishing division of Annapurna Pictures, has lost its entire staff of 25 members, including president Nathan Gary, due to failed negotiations for a spin-off into an independent entity. 这种大规模辞职造成了对进行中项目的不确定性。 This mass resignation has caused uncertainty around ongoing projects. 新总统桑切斯(Hector Sanchez)保证,现有合同将得到遵守,并将雇用新的工作人员继续支持开发伙伴和即将获得的头衔。 New president Hector Sanchez assures that existing contracts will be honored and new staff will be hired to continue support for developer partners and upcoming titles.