32岁的Raven Rodriguez因在TX米德兰县刺杀前女友Marila Lozano被判犯有谋杀罪;被判无期徒刑,不得假释。 32-year-old Raven Rodriguez found guilty of capital murder for stabbing ex-girlfriend Mariela Lozano in Midland County, TX; sentenced to life without parole.
2022 年 12 月 8 日,32 岁的雷文·罗伯特·罗德里格斯 (Raven Robert Rodriguez) 因在德克萨斯州米德兰县刺死前女友玛丽拉·洛萨诺 (Mariela Lozano) 而被判犯有死刑。 Raven Robert Rodriguez, 32, was found guilty of capital murder for the stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, Mariela Lozano, in Midland County, Texas, on December 8, 2022. 他在酒店房间袭击了她 刺了她20多次 He attacked her in a hotel room, stabbing her over 20 times. 这对夫妇有家庭暴力史,有五个孩子在一起。 The couple had a history of domestic violence and five children together. 经过两小时的审议后,陪审团判处他终身监禁,不得假释,因为国家放弃了死刑。 Following a two-hour deliberation, the jury sentenced him to life in prison without parole, as the state waived the death penalty.