26 岁的模特洛蒂·莫斯 (Lottie Moss) 因服用 Ozempic 过量而住院,警告粉丝注意危险。 26-year-old model Lottie Moss hospitalized after Ozempic overdose, warns fans of dangers.
26岁的模特Lottie Moss在服用过量的Ozempic后住院治疗。 Ozempic是针对100公斤以上个人的减重药物,而她体重约为50公斤。 Model Lottie Moss, 26, was hospitalized after an overdose of Ozempic, a weight loss drug intended for individuals over 100 kilos, while she weighs about 50 kilos. 在服用了两周的药物之后,她经历了严重的脱水、呕吐和癫痫。 After taking the drug for two weeks, she experienced severe dehydration, vomiting, and a seizure. 莫斯警告粉丝们关于奥泽普的危险, 描述她的经历是她做过的最糟糕的决定, 敦促其他人在考虑减肥之前寻求医疗建议. Moss warned fans about the dangers of Ozempic, describing her experience as the worst decision she ever made and urging others to seek medical advice before considering it for weight loss.