9月8日,Tuncurry的一名18岁青年因涉嫌闯入Ray Street的一家企业,偷窃一个慈善捐款箱而被捕。 18-year-old from Tuncurry arrested for allegedly breaking into a business on Ray Street, stealing a charity donation box on September 8.
9月10日,一名来自Tuncurry的18岁少年被捕,罪名是9月8日闯入Ray Street的一家企业并偷取一个含有钱财的慈善捐赠箱。 An 18-year-old from Tuncurry was arrested on September 10 for allegedly breaking into a business on Ray Street and stealing a charity donation box containing money on September 8. 他面临越狱、进入和偷窃的指控,保释被拒绝。 He faces charges of break, enter, and steal, with bail denied. 该青少年正在福斯特地方法院等待审判。 The teenager is awaiting trial at Forster Local Court.