59岁的Douglas Tandy因据称在印第安纳波利斯州际465号公路暴动事件中用枪指着枪而被捕。 59-year-old Douglas Tandy was arrested for allegedly pointing a firearm during a road rage incident on Interstate 465 in Indianapolis.
59岁的Douglas Tandy因据称在印第安纳波利斯州际465号公路暴动事件中用枪指着枪而被捕。 Douglas Tandy, 59, was arrested for allegedly pointing a firearm during a road rage incident on Interstate 465 in Indianapolis. 印第安纳州警察在接到911电话后在他的车里发现了一把Taurus手枪. Indiana State Police found a Taurus revolver in his vehicle after receiving a 911 call. 他面临初步指控,包括非法持有火器和用致命武器进行恐吓。 He faces preliminary charges, including unlawful possession of a firearm and intimidation with a deadly weapon. 马里恩县检察官办公室将最终确定各项指控。 The Marion County Prosecutor's Office will finalize the charges. 1月以来,该地区发生了53起枪击事件和213起涉及火器的公路狂暴事件。 Since January, there have been 53 shootings and 213 road rage incidents involving firearms in the area.