印度最富有的女性Savitri Jindal, 以独立候选人身分申请哈里亚纳州议会选举的希萨尔席位, India's richest woman, Savitri Jindal, files as an independent candidate for Hisar seat in Haryana Assembly elections after being denied BJP ticket.
印度最富有女性, 印度人民党议员Naveen Jindal的母亲Savitri Jindal已申请在10月5日举行的哈里亚纳州议会选举中作为独立候选人竞选Hisar. Savitri Jindal, India's richest woman and mother of BJP MP Naveen Jindal, has filed to run as an independent candidate for the Hisar seat in the Haryana Assembly elections, set for October 5. 她拒绝获得BJP的机票,她的目标是完成公共工程和为社区服务,宣布这将是她的最后选举。 Denied a BJP ticket, she aims to complete public works and serve the community, declaring this will be her final election. Jindal 拥有 291 亿美元的净资产,此前曾两次代表 Hisar,并以其政治血统和商业成功而闻名。 With a net worth of $29.1 billion, Jindal previously represented Hisar twice and is notable for her political lineage and business success.