体操运动员乔丹·奇利斯 (Jordan Chiles) 在福布斯力量女子峰会上表达了对失去奥运铜牌的不公正感。 Gymnast Jordan Chiles expressed feelings of injustice over losing her Olympic bronze medal at the Forbes Power Women's Summit.
Gymnast Jordan Chiles在福布斯权力妇女峰会上讨论了失去奥运铜牌的感情损失。 Gymnast Jordan Chiles discussed the emotional toll of losing her Olympic bronze medal at the Forbes Power Women's Summit. 运动仲裁法院裁定她的教练的上诉已迟到,将奖牌归还给罗马尼亚的安娜·巴尔博苏. The Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled her coaches' appeal was filed late, returning the medal to Romanian Ana Bărbosu. 智利表达了不公正的情绪,并建议种族在她面对的强烈反对中起着作用。 Chiles expressed feelings of injustice and suggested race played a role in the backlash she faced. 尽管遭遇挫折,她仍为自己的成就感到自豪,并赞赏球迷和美国健身师的支持。 Despite the setback, she remains proud of her achievements and appreciates the support from fans and USA Gymnastics.