Gainesville,佛罗里达州 提高市中心的停车率 以鼓励营业和 离街停车场。 Gainesville, Florida raises downtown parking rates to encourage turnover and off-street parking.
佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔市从9月16日起实施新的市中心停车费,旨在增加高需求地区的车流量,并促进更远的长期停车. Gainesville, Florida, has implemented new downtown parking rates as of September 16, aimed at increasing turnover in high-demand areas and promoting longer-term parking further away. 街道上的停车位为每小时0.50美元,有2小时的限制,而街道外的停车位为每小时0.25美元,无时间限制。 On-street spaces are $0.50 per hour with a 2-hour limit, while off-street parking is $0.25 per hour with no time limit. 雇员可按每月20美元获得贴现许可证。 Employees can obtain discounted monthly permits for $20. 已经安装了五个太阳能电费支付站,周末和节假日停车仍然免费,但南威尔士车库除外。 Five solar-powered pay stations have been installed, and parking remains free on weekends and holidays, except in the SW Garage.