前驾驶教练揭穿关于星期五驾驶考试失败的神话, Former driving instructor debunks myth about Friday driving test failure, attributing decision to pass or fail solely to candidate's performance.
TikTok用户和前驾驶教练揭穿了一个神话,即周五安排驾驶考试会导致有保证的失败。 A TikTok user and former driving instructor has debunked the myth that scheduling a driving test on a Friday leads to guaranteed failure. 她解释说,这种看法源于一种误解,即考官需要限制每周通过考试的人数。 She explained that this belief stems from a misconception about examiners needing to limit the number of passes each week. 是否通过或失败的决定完全取决于候选人的表现,而不是每周的一天。 The decision to pass or fail is based solely on the candidate's performance, not the day of the week. 文章着重介绍了评论中正在进行的辩论,其中一些交流了好坏参半的经验。 The article highlights ongoing debates in the comments, with some sharing mixed experiences.