Ed Sheeran为英国军队和家属在塞浦路斯Dhekelia驻防部队表演,结束他的巡视。 Ed Sheeran performed for British troops and families at Dhekelia garrison in Cyprus, concluding his tour.
Ed Sheeran 在塞浦路斯的 Dhekelia 驻军为英国军队及其家人表演,标志着他的 +–=÷× 巡演的结束。 Ed Sheeran performed for British troops and their families at Dhekelia garrison in Cyprus, marking the conclusion of his +–=÷× Tour. 这次活动由英国部队基金会组织,包括埃德会见士兵、签署签名和自拍。 Organized by the British Forces Foundation, the event included Ed meeting with soldiers, signing autographs, and taking selfies. BFF首席执行官Mark Cann赞扬Ed真诚的善意和支持武装部队的承诺。 BFF Chief Executive Mark Cann praised Ed's genuine kindness and commitment to supporting the Armed Forces. 此外,Ed在访问尼科西亚期间访问了联合国特派团。 Additionally, Ed visited the United Nations mission in Nicosia during his trip.