布里斯班狮子队连续9场胜利, 准备迎接大西悉尼的半决赛. Brisbane Lions, with a nine-game winning streak, prepare for an AFL semi-final against Greater Western Sydney.
布里斯班狮子队在准备对抗西悉尼大区的半决赛时采取了自由精神的方法. The Brisbane Lions embrace a free-spirited approach as they prepare for an AFL semi-final against Greater Western Sydney. Chris Fagan教练的咒语,“如果你在薄冰下行走,你也可以跳个舞” 启发了一场充满挑战性的比赛, 一场九场比赛的胜利。 Coach Chris Fagan's mantra, "If you're walking on thin ice, you may as well dance," inspired a nine-game winning streak after a challenging start. 自决赛形式改变后,狮子队打算成为第二队从底部四人中获胜。 The Lions aim to become the second team to win from the bottom four since the finals format changed. 关键后卫杰克-佩恩预计将参加这场比赛。 Key defender Jack Payne is expected to be fit for the match.