21 岁的吉朗猫队后卫劳森·汉弗莱斯 (Lawson Humphries) 以倒数第二顺位被选中,获得了新星提名。 21-year-old Geelong Cats defender Lawson Humphries, drafted second-last, earns Rising Star nomination.
吉朗猫队的 21 岁后卫劳森·汉弗莱斯 (Lawson Humphries) 在去年选秀中以倒数第二顺位被选中后,在他的 AFL 首个赛季中掀起了波澜。 Lawson Humphries, a 21-year-old defender for the Geelong Cats, is making waves in his debut AFL season after being selected with the second-last pick in last year's draft. 他第16轮出赛 很快获得"升星"提名 He debuted in round 16 and quickly earned a Rising Star nomination. 他的成功归功于导师和辛勤工作。 A Pilbara native, Humphries credits his success to mentors and hard work. 他还攻读人类学学位,着重研究土著文化遗产,作为他未来的后备计划。 He is also pursuing a degree in anthropology, focusing on Indigenous cultural heritage, as a backup plan for his future.