巴基斯坦的宝石部门成为工业和生产部的工业地位,等待总理批准。 Pakistan's gemstone sector to become industry status under Ministry of Industries and Production, pending PM approval.
巴基斯坦总理的宝石指导委员会已批准改革,将宝石部门提升到工业和生产部的工业地位。 Pakistan's Prime Minister's Steering Committee for Gemstones has approved reforms to elevate the gemstone sector to industry status under the Ministry of Industries and Production. 该倡议由联邦部长阿卜杜勒·阿莱姆·汗主持,旨在提高出口和外汇收入。 Chaired by Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan, the initiative aims to enhance exports and foreign exchange earnings. 关键的变化包括成立一个由私营部门领导的宝石理事会,着重改善基础设施,促进更好的部门发展。 Key changes include forming a private sector-led Council for Gemstones and focusing on infrastructure improvements for better sector development. 总理的最后批准尚待最后批准。 Final approval from the prime minister is pending.