安大略面临政府资助的自闭症治疗5至7年的等待,入学率下降。 Ontario faces a five-to-seven-year wait for government-funded autism therapy with declining enrollment.
安大略省在为自闭症儿童提供政府资助的核心治疗方面严重拖延,入学人数下降,等待时间估计为5至7年。 Ontario is facing significant delays in providing government-funded core therapy for children with autism, with enrollment numbers declining and wait times estimated at five to seven years. 最近的文件突出了一种令人不安的趋势,即接受资助的儿童人数有所减少,影响到服务提供者扩大的能力。 Recent documents highlight a troubling trend where the number of children receiving funding has decreased, impacting service providers' ability to expand. 安大略自闭症联盟主张由儿童治疗师进行评估,而不是目前的漫长进程。 The Ontario Autism Coalition is advocating for assessments by children's therapists instead of the current lengthy process.