NHS建议对有心脏病的家庭的心脏病突发紧急情况使用阿司匹林。 NHS recommends aspirin for heart attack emergencies in families with heart issues.
鼓励有心脏病史的家庭将阿司匹林留在家中,以备紧急情况,因为在心脏病发作时可以挽救生命。 Families with a history of heart issues are encouraged to keep aspirin at home for emergencies, as it can be life-saving during heart attacks. 国民保健制度建议,若不过敏,有胸部疼痛的人咀嚼并吞下300毫克的阿司匹林,因为这会稀释血液,增加心脏血液流动。 The NHS recommends that individuals experiencing chest pain chew and swallow a 300mg aspirin if they're not allergic, as it thins the blood and enhances heart blood flow. 迅速获得阿司匹林在等待护理人员时至关重要,这需要7分钟。 Quick access to aspirin is vital while waiting for paramedics, which can take up to seven minutes. 还必须认识到心脏病的症状。 Recognizing heart attack symptoms is also essential.