NBA 专员西尔弗表示,联盟尚未准备好讨论扩张,优先考虑联邦体育博彩框架。 NBA Commissioner Silver says league not ready to discuss expansion, prioritizes federal sports betting framework.
美国国家篮球联盟 (NBA) 委员亚当·西尔弗 (Adam Silver) 宣布,联盟目前还没有准备好讨论扩张,尽管它计划在本赛季讨论这个话题. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver announced that the league is not currently ready to discuss expansion, although it plans to address the topic this season. 由于谈判一项新的集体谈判协议和广播交易,关于扩大的讨论被搁置一边。 Discussions on expansion were sidelined due to negotiations on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement and broadcast deals. 此外,Silver强调,必须建立一个联邦框架,使体育赌博合法化,而不是依赖不一致的州法律。 Additionally, Silver emphasized the importance of establishing a federal framework for legalized sports betting rather than relying on inconsistent state laws. 今后可成立一个业主委员会,探讨扩大方案。 A committee of owners may be formed to explore expansion options in the future.