MoneySavingExpert 在 9 月 30 日之前提供 350,000 张免费可口可乐零糖优惠券,可在 Tesco、Co-op 和指定餐厅兑换。 MoneySavingExpert offers 350,000 free Coca-Cola Zero Sugar coupons until Sept 30, redeemable at Tesco, Co-op, and select restaurants.
MoneySavingExpert (MSE) 提供 350,000 张可口可乐零糖免费优惠券,包括樱桃、柠檬和普通口味,有效期至 9 月 30 日。 MoneySavingExpert (MSE) is offering 350,000 free coupons for Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, including cherry, lemon, and regular flavors, available until September 30. 用户必须在可口可乐网站“拿一个塔斯特”上签名, 并在一小时内激活优惠券。 To claim, users must sign up on the Coca-Cola 'Take a Taste' website and activate the coupon within one hour. 优惠券可以在 Tesco、Co-op 和部分餐厅兑换,无需购买。 Coupons can be redeemed at Tesco, Co-op, and select restaurants without a purchase required. 此外,Tesco的Club卡计划本月通过Evri的包裹运输提供双倍分数。 Additionally, Tesco's Clubcard scheme is offering double points on parcel shipments through Evri this month.