德州肯普独立学校区因学校受到威胁, 于9月11日取消课程。 Kemp Independent School District in Texas canceled classes on September 11 due to a school threat.
德州肯普独立学校区于9月11日取消课程, Kemp Independent School District in Texas canceled classes on September 11 due to a reported school threat received the previous night. 虽然官员怀疑这可能是骗局,但该区正在将安全作为优先事项,并进行彻底调查。 Although officials suspect it may be a hoax, the district is prioritizing safety and conducting a thorough investigation. 这一事件是继影响其他得克萨斯州地区,包括达拉斯ISD的类似威胁之后发生的,后者加强了安全措施。 This incident follows similar threats affecting other Texas districts, including Dallas ISD, which has increased security measures. 没有宣布进一步取消。 No further cancellations have been announced.