Foo拳手的Dave Grohl透露了婚外生子的父亲身份 引发了公众的反弹 Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl disclosed fathering a child outside marriage, sparking public backlash.
Foo Fighters 的主唱戴夫·格罗尔 (Dave Grohl) 透露,他在婚外生了一个孩子,这导致粉丝们的反应不一。 Dave Grohl, frontman of the Foo Fighters, has disclosed that he fathered a child outside his marriage, leading to mixed reactions from fans. 在一次面谈中,他表达了对家人的承诺,并承认他的妻子以前对情况一无所知。 In an interview, he expressed his commitment to his family and acknowledged his wife's previous ignorance of the situation. 这一披露引发了有关其对其家庭影响的讨论,并引起公众的强烈反弹,质疑Grohl过去的完整性。 This revelation has sparked discussions about its impact on his family and has drawn significant backlash from the public, questioning Grohl's past integrity.