布达佩斯兽医学大学一年级的兽医学生参加了一门活马解剖课。 First-year vet students at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest participated in a live horse anatomy lesson.
匈牙利布达佩斯兽医学大学一年级兽医学生参加了以两匹活马为特色的独特解剖课。 First-year veterinary students at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest, Hungary, participated in a unique anatomy lesson featuring two live horses. 校长Péter Sótonyi博士25年来一直使用这种方法,他强调从动物中学习对于更好地接触和保留的重要性。 Rector Dr. Péter Sótonyi, who has utilized this method for 25 years, emphasized the importance of learning from living animals for better engagement and retention. 马匹由布达佩斯警察提供,在演讲期间标有粉笔,提高了学生对解剖学的了解。 The horses, provided by the Budapest Police, were marked with chalk during the lecture, enhancing students' understanding of anatomy.