副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)提议为无证移民提供“获得国籍的渠道”。 Vice President Kamala Harris proposes an "earned pathway to citizenship" for undocumented migrants.
副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 提议,如果当选总统,无证移民将提供“获得公民身份的途径”,这项政策因缺乏明确性而受到批评。 Vice President Kamala Harris has proposed an "earned pathway to citizenship" for undocumented migrants if elected president, a policy criticized for lack of clarity. 她的竞选网站强调边境安全和移民改革,但缺乏详细的建议。 Her campaign website emphasizes border security and immigration reform, but lacks detailed proposals. 反之,唐纳德·特朗普主张大规模驱逐。 In contrast, Donald Trump advocates for mass deportation. 即将举行的辩论将突出他们在移民、堕胎和其他关键问题上的不同看法,预期每一问题都会挑战对方的记录。 The upcoming debate will highlight their differing views on immigration, abortion, and other key issues, with each expected to challenge the other's record.