U2的“无辜之歌”自动下载到500MiTunes用户,面对回击;苹果允许移除,波诺道歉。 U2's "Songs of Innocence" auto-downloads to 500M iTunes users, facing backlash; Apple enables removal, Bono apologizes.
2014年9月9日, U2 发布了第13个工作室专辑《无罪之歌》, 免费下载给5亿个iTunes用户, On September 9, 2014, U2 released their 13th studio album, "Songs of Innocence," as a free download to 500 million iTunes users, automatically appearing in their libraries. 这张不请自来的专辑包括《The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)》等单曲,由于用户将其比作垃圾邮件,因此遭到强烈反对。 The unsolicited album, which included singles like "The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)," faced backlash as users likened it to spam. 对此,苹果公司采用了用户删除专辑的方法。 In response, Apple implemented a method for users to delete the album. Bono后来公开道歉,接受宣传战略的全部责任。 Bono later issued a public apology, accepting full responsibility for the promotional strategy.