IBM计划收购甲骨文服务供应商Accelalpha,以加强咨询能力。 IBM plans to acquire Oracle services provider Accelalpha to enhance consulting capabilities.
IBM计划收购全球甲骨文服务供应商Accelalpha,以加强其在供应链、金融和客户转型等领域的咨询能力。 IBM plans to acquire Accelalpha, a global Oracle services provider, to enhance its consulting capabilities in areas like supply chain, finance, and customer transformation. 购置该设备的目的是提高IBM在甲骨文云应用方面的专门知识,并将Accelalpha的熟练顾问纳入IBM咨询公司。 This acquisition aims to improve IBM's expertise in Oracle Cloud Applications and will integrate Accelalpha's skilled consultants into IBM Consulting. 该交易预计将于2024年第四季度完成,并未披露财务细节,但仍需获得监管部门的批准. The deal is expected to close in Q4 2024, pending regulatory approvals, with financial details not disclosed.