国会议员沙希·塔鲁尔(Shashi Tharoor)谈到印度作为第三大经济体的日益增长的全球影响力及其在赖斯大学贝克研究所面临的地缘政治挑战。 Congress MP Shashi Tharoor addressed India's growing global influence as the third-largest economy and its geopolitical challenges at Rice University's Baker Institute.
国会议员沙希·塔鲁尔在赖斯大学贝克研究所发言,强调印度作为第三大经济体,通过购买力平价和世界上人口最多的国家,其全球重要性日益增加。 Congress MP Shashi Tharoor spoke at Rice University's Baker Institute, highlighting India's increasing global significance as the third-largest economy by purchasing power parity and the world's most populous nation. 他谈到印度的快速经济增长、中国、巴基斯坦和美国面临的地缘政治挑战、技术进步以及能源需求和印度民族主义等国内问题。 He addressed India's rapid economic growth, geopolitical challenges with China, Pakistan, and the U.S., technological advancements, and domestic issues like energy needs and Hindu nationalism. Tharoor的结论是,印度目前的选择将对全球动态产生重大影响。 Tharoor concluded that India's current choices will greatly influence global dynamics.