9月20日,在开普敦的威斯汀酒店举行了非洲第一次泛非Propptech首脑会议,即非洲Propptech论坛。 Africa's first pan-African Proptech Summit, the Africa Proptech Forum, takes place at the Westin Hotel in Cape Town on September 20.
9月20日,将在开普敦威斯汀酒店举行非洲Propptech论坛,这是非洲大陆第一次泛非Propptech首脑会议。 The Africa Proptech Forum will be held on September 20 at the Westin Hotel in Cape Town, marking the continent's first pan-African Proptech Summit. 活动的目的是弥合房地产与技术之间的差距,促进非洲房地产部门的创新。 The event aims to bridge the gap between real estate and technology, fostering innovation in Africa's property sector. 它将以APF启动竞争为特色,突出早期Propptech公司,并将它们与工业领导人和投资者联系起来。 It will feature the APF Start-Up Competition, highlighting early-stage Proptech companies and connecting them with industry leaders and investors. 详情请访问API峰会网站。 More details can be found on the API Summit website.