延迟 1.5 年的《动物》拍摄,Deol 以一个好评如潮的哑巴角色回归,由 Sandeep Reddy Vanga 主演。 1.5-year delayed 'Animal' filming, Deol's career comeback as a mute character with positive reviews, cast by Sandeep Reddy Vanga.
Bobby Deol在「动物」中扮演恶棍Abrar Haque, 揭露他等了1.5年才开始拍摄。 Bobby Deol, who plays villain Abrar Haque in 'Animal,' revealed he waited 1.5 years to begin filming. 尽管电影很成功,他没有庆祝 因为他婆婆去世了。 Despite the film's success, he refrained from celebrating due to his mother-in-law's passing. Deol 称赞导演 Sandeep Reddy Vanga 根据名人板球联盟的照片为他选角,他为他的哑巴角色学习了手语,这获得了积极的评价,并标志着职业生涯的重大回归。 Deol praised director Sandeep Reddy Vanga for casting him based on a photo from the Celebrity Cricket League, and he learned sign language for his mute character, which garnered positive reviews and marked a significant career comeback.