2024年8月,印度全国MIEL获得了4.43千兆瓦的基础设施项目价值。 MIEL secured ₹4.43 crore worth of infrastructure projects in August 2024 across India.
2024年8月,Manglam Infra and Engineering Limited(MIEL)在印度五个邦的5个基础设施项目中获得了价值4.43格朗的5个基础设施项目。 Manglam Infra and Engineering Limited (MIEL) secured five infrastructure projects worth ₹4.43 crore in August 2024, spanning five states in India. 这些项目涉及详细的项目报告、质量控制和监督服务。 The projects involve detailed project reports, quality control, and supervision services. 2024年3月31日终了的财政年度,MIEL报告收入为40.50格朗,税后利润为6.76格朗,反映了其在基础设施部门的财政稳定和增长潜力。 For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, MIEL reported revenues of ₹40.50 crore and a profit after tax of ₹6.76 crore, reflecting its financial stability and growth potential in the infrastructure sector.