印度国防部就苏-30MKI喷气式喷气机240架AL-31FP发动机与HAL签订的26 000卢比合同授予印度国防部。 Indian Defence Ministry awards Rs 26,000 crore contract to HAL for 240 AL-31FP engines for Su-30MKI fighter jets.
印度国防部向印度航空有限公司(HAL)授予了26 000卢比的合同,为苏-30MKI喷气式喷气机提供240台AL-31FP发动机。 The Indian Defence Ministry has awarded a Rs 26,000 crore contract to Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) for 240 AL-31FP engines for the Su-30MKI fighter jets. 该协议旨在加强印度空军的能力,支持Aatmanirbhar Bharat倡议,并将在HAL的Koraput设施执行八年。 This deal, aimed at enhancing the Indian Air Force's capabilities, supports the Aatmanirbhar Bharat initiative and will be fulfilled over eight years at HAL's Koraput facility. 苏-30MKI正在进行63,000亿卢比的升级, The Su-30MKI is also undergoing a Rs 63,000 crore upgrade to improve its technology and performance.