萨尔瓦多警察局长毛里西奥·阿里亚扎和贪污嫌疑人曼努埃尔·科托在帕萨奎纳的直升机失事中死亡。 El Salvador's police chief Mauricio Arriaza and embezzlement suspect Manuel Coto died in a helicopter crash in Pasaquina.
萨尔瓦多警察局长毛里西奥·阿里亚扎和贪污嫌疑人曼努埃尔·科托在萨尔瓦多东南部帕萨奎纳的直升机坠毁中丧生。 El Salvador's police chief, Mauricio Arriaza, and embezzlement suspect Manuel Coto were killed in a helicopter crash in Pasaquina, southeast El Salvador. Coto在洪都拉斯被捕,据称罪名是盗用3 500万美元。 Coto had been arrested in Honduras for allegedly embezzling $35 million. 总统纳伊布·布克勒 (Nayib Bukele) 呼吁进行彻底调查,对坠机事件是一起事故表示怀疑。 President Nayib Bukele has called for a thorough investigation, expressing skepticism about the crash being an accident. 机上人员总数仍未证实。 The total number of individuals on board remains unconfirmed. 有人注意到阿里亚扎在减少帮派暴力方面的重要作用。 Arriaza was noted for his significant role in reducing gang violence.