巴罗达银行以 7.26% 的票息发行了 500 亿卢比的 10 年期基础设施债券,这是其两周内的第二次发行。 Bank of Baroda issued ₹5,000 crore of 10-year infrastructure bonds at 7.26% coupon, marking its second issuance in two weeks.
巴罗达银行通过以7.26%的优惠利率发行10年期基础设施债券,筹集了5 000卢比,这是两周后第二次发行。 Bank of Baroda (BoB) raised ₹5,000 crore through a 10-year infrastructure bond issuance at a 7.26% coupon rate, marking its second issuance in two weeks. 报价超过了订阅量,需求达到14,215亿卢比. The offering was oversubscribed, with demand reaching ₹14,215 crore. 这份发行书耗尽了BB对基础设施债券的10 000克鲁尔限额,尽管它仍然可以从额外的一级或二级债券中筹集7 500克鲁尔。 This issuance exhausts BoB's ₹10,000 crore limit for infrastructure bonds, though it can still raise ₹7,500 crore from additional tier-I or tier-II bonds. 投资者包括共同基金、保险公司和养恤基金。 Investors included mutual funds, insurers, and pension funds.