85岁的南希·苏努努,前新罕布什尔第一夫人,老年痴呆症患者,去世了。 85-year-old Nancy Sununu, former New Hampshire First Lady and Alzheimer's patient, passed away.
新罕布什尔州前第一夫人南希·苏努努在与阿尔茨海默氏病长期战斗后于85岁死亡。 Nancy Sununu, former First Lady of New Hampshire, died at 85 after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's. 她与前总督约翰·苏努努结婚,是现任总督克里斯·苏努努和前参议员约翰·苏努努的母亲。 She was married to former Governor John Sununu and was the mother of current Governor Chris Sununu and former Senator John E. Sununu. 她积极参与政治,1980年担任共和党主席,在共和党组织中担任各种职务。 Active in politics, she chaired the Republican State Party in 1980 and held various roles in Republican organizations. 她的丈夫、8个子女和16个孙子孙女幸存下来。 She is survived by her husband, eight children, and sixteen grandchildren.