在威斯康辛州集会上,特朗普警告科罗拉多的移民选民如果输了,指控州长贾里德·波利斯采取违宪行动和移民问题。 At a Wisconsin rally, Trump warns Colorado voters of migrants if he loses, accusing Governor Jared Polis of unconstitutional actions and immigration problems.
在威斯康星州莫西尼的一次集会上,前总统唐纳德·特朗普警告科罗拉多州选民,如果他在11月失去该州,它将“被移民接管”,州长贾里德·波利斯将被“送走”。 At a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump warned Colorado voters that if he loses the state in November, it will be "taken over by migrants," and Governor Jared Polis will be "sent fleeing." 他指控Polis企图以违宪手段将他从选票上除名,并批评他对移民问题的处理。 He accused Polis of unconstitutionally attempting to remove him from the ballot and criticized his handling of immigration issues. 在Newsmax及其在线平台Newsmax2上直播了这次集会。 The rally was broadcast live on Newsmax and its online platform, Newsmax2.