警方调查俄亥俄州代顿两起不同的枪击事件,但细节和联系不明。 Police investigate two separate shooting incidents in Dayton, Ohio, with details and connections unclear.
俄亥俄州代顿警方正在调查两起不同的枪击事件。 Police in Dayton, Ohio, are investigating two separate shooting incidents. 第一次发生在星期六晚上9时40分左右的顶层广场公寓附近,没有多少细节。 The first occurred near Summit Square Apartments on Saturday night at around 9:40 p.m., with few details available. 第二起事件发生在当天下午早些时候,地点在皇后大道,警察对关于枪击和附近坠机的报告作出反应。 The second incident took place earlier that afternoon on Queens Avenue, where police responded to reports of gunfire and a nearby crash. 随着调查的继续,受害者人数和事件之间的关系仍然不清楚。 The number of victims and the relationship between the incidents remain unclear as the investigations continue.