英国罪犯Mark Roscaleer和另外四人通过扩大20英尺长的隔离墙,逃离葡萄牙Alcoentre监狱。 British criminal Mark Roscaleer and four others escaped Alcoentre prison in Portugal by scaling a 20-foot wall.
Mark Roscaler是英国暴力罪犯,他与其他四名囚犯一起从葡萄牙Alconentre监狱越狱。 Mark Roscaleer, a violent British criminal, escaped from Alcoentre prison in Portugal alongside four other inmates. 罗斯卡勒和他的同伙因抢劫和绑架罪被判处 9 年徒刑,他和他的同伙用梯子爬上了一堵 20 英尺高的墙。 Serving a nine-year sentence for robbery and kidnapping, Roscaleer and his accomplices scaled a 20-foot wall with a ladder. 葡萄牙当局认为逃犯是危险的,建议公众不要接近他们。 Portuguese authorities have deemed the escapees dangerous and advised the public not to approach them. 目前正在进行调查,调查据报事件期间缺乏警卫的情况。 An investigation is ongoing, examining a reported lack of guards during the incident.